
React component library

Bespoke components for React apps

I started building this component library when I started learning React and have been completing it ever since. It's a great way to keep learning, and also to have a collection of resources at hand when I build design systems for new projects.

React component library


Having learned web development on my own, it was important for me to keep track of everything I was building. This is how this project came to life.

It's always been important to me to always test new things, either for code or for design, and this projects allows me to do just that. By building a large scale component library, I can experiment and implement things that would always be useful for client projects.

Go to Storybook project

Component examples

Button component View in Storybook
Text component View in Storybook
Table component View in Storybook
Alert component View in Storybook

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