

What if aliens discovered a desolated Earth in a millenia

Fast forward a millenia. Earth has become nothing but a heap of ruin. A world forgotten in time and space… Almost. Coming from the outer limits of the cosmos, a race discovers our planet. Seeing it desolate, with no explanation why, they start to dig the surface, excavating the past.


[un]earth offers us a vision. One that a civilization from space is going to lay on our society, our lifestyle, our behaviours. A project that uses sience-fiction to speak about the problems in our world, a glimpse that helps us question its methods. This project is a graphic anthology, a history book that tells us a tale, a new myth of world destruction.

The immersion had to be complete. The aliens have their own writing, a limitless curiosity. They offer us their understanding of our world as they discovered it, and the harvested digital relics, damaged by time.

[un]earth -book


This project has been particularly fun because it blended a lot of different mediums and skills. And it allowed me to dive into written storytelling, something that I had only experienced graphically before.

[un]earth -illustrations [un]earth -illustrations [un]earth -illustrations [un]earth -illustrations
Thumbnails of the illustrations
[un]earth -timeline
[un]earth -timeline [un]earth -timeline [un]earth -timeline [un]earth -timeline
Thumbnails from the timeline

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